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Isle of Man and Brexit

What Brexit means for the Isle of Man

The Isle of Man’s relationship with the EU

As a crown dependency, the Isle of Man is a self-governing country, but has always had and continues to have very strong ties to the UK. This means it was never a part of the European Union (EU) in its own right and was not included within the scope of the UK’s membership of the EU. For example, people living on the Island did not get to vote in the EU referendum and the Isle of Man did not make any financial contribution to the EU or receive any funding from the EU.
When the UK left the EU, the Isle of Man's limited relationship with the EU (as set out in Protocol 3 to the UK's Treaty of Accession) fell - although it did continue to have legal effect, during the transition period, which ended 31st December 2020.

The impact on the Isle of Man post-Brexit

After many months of negotiation, the UK and the EU agreed the final terms of their future trading relationship, and the Isle of Man was covered by certain parts of that Agreement. At the time, the Isle of Man Government prepared a useful summary of the key elements of the Agreement, explaining what it meant for the Island moving forwards.

The useful links below also outline what impact the future trading relationship will have on Isle of Man residents and businesses moving forwards:


Future of the Island's international trade relations

The Isle of Man Government continues to work with relevant officials from across the UK Government to set out the Isle of Man's priorities regarding the future trading relationship. This work is helping to inform the UK's position but is also essential in building contacts with the people who are involved in the negotiations on the future relationship between the UK and the EU so that they are clear about the Island's issues and priorities.

The Isle of Man Government’s Council of Ministers has also issued several reports reflecting on the process of the UK's withdrawal from the EU, the negotiations carried out, and the future of the Island's international trade relations.

Other useful resources include this FAQ Document: ‘What Brexit Means for the Isle of Man’ as prepared by the Isle of Man Government.