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Love Tech – Inspiring and Empowering Girls to Explore STEM Opportunities in the Isle of Man

Discover how local charity Love Tech are inspiring and empowering girls to explore STEM educational and career opportunities in the Isle of Man.

What is Love Tech? 

Love Tech is a local registered charity that looks to raise awareness about career opportunities for girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in the Isle of Man.  

Love Tech’s Goals  

The initiative, which is run by a group of 20+ local female business leaders and technologists, was formed in 2018 by Claire Milne of Appleby, Deb Byron of Hansard, and Roberta Castle of Continent 8. The three women business leaders, who have worked for years in and alongside the technology sector, were determined to increase the number of women choosing technology careers in the Isle of Man. The organisation’s aim is to inspire and empower girls and young women to explore opportunities in STEM areas through events, workshops, and mentorship in the Isle of Man. 
Previous programmes have included a free half-term, Tech Fest; an educational event aimed at young people interested in a tech career in the Isle of Man. The event included VR experiences, a ‘techperts’ panel and hands-on coding workshops hosted by Love Tech’s partner the Isle of Man Code Club. Other events have included digital training clubs, film screenings, conservation talks, game development workshops and attendance at several popular Isle of Man STEM focused events including STEMfest and the Festival of Research.  
Love Tech is supported by a number of Isle of Man community partners that share the same vision and passion for raising awareness of STEM related careers, including the Isle of Man Code Club, Girl Guiding Isle of Man and University College Isle of Man.  

STEM Education in the Isle of Man

In 2020 Love Tech launched an in-school programme where the team attended local school assemblies, introducing their aims, and raising awareness of STEM educational platforms and career opportunities in the Isle of Man. Love Tech mentors, whose careers span all disciplines of STEM, provided children with examples and information on the types of STEM careers available on Island, while providing the schools with a number of STEM related resources for children to engage with. 

Future STEM Programmes  

From 2022 onwards, Love Tech has organised a number of exciting and educational events, including dolphin watching, TikTok workshops, STEM Summer Roadshows and Graduate Fairs for all ages and interests. 

The Isle of Man – A Supportive STEM Industry Network 

Love Tech forms part of a supportive STEM community in the Isle of Man, which is underpinned by number of dynamic, young companies using exciting technology on the Island. This has led to a cluster of like-minded people in the STEM sectors, with many networking and volunteering opportunities including eClub, the Chamber of Commerce’s Digital and STEM forums, the Aerospace Cluster, the CleanTech Forum and the Isle of Man Business Network. 
To read more about Love Tech’s mission, along with a list of their upcoming educational events, visit the Love Tech website
Other useful online resources for those interested in a dynamic and exciting STEM career in the Isle of Man, include: