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Jessica Brown, South Africa

Jessica Brown is a South African expatriate working as a self-employed Digital Marketing Consultant in the Isle of Man.

Moving to the Isle of Man

Initially I moved to the Isle of Man due to the fact that my boyfriend, who works in e-Gaming, was offered a position here and it was a good career move. However once I had come over for a look see I fell in love with the Island the moment I stepped off the plane. The Isle of Man is a real treat for your senses; there is an abundance of natural beauty; the sounds of the sea crashing on the shore and the birds chirping on a crisp winters morning is beautiful; the fresh Manx air makes a run outside so enjoyable; there are also some fantastic restaurants that serve delicious unique dishes and no matter where you go there is someone who welcomes you with a warm hand shake and a smile. How could I have possibly said no to all of that?


Favourite thing about the Isle of Man

The Isle of Man has so much unspoilt beauty, you can go from country to coast in a matter of minutes all whilst taking in the sweeping hills and beautiful fauna and flora. I also love how deeply rooted in tradition the Island is and how the Manx heritage is still celebrated and valued.


Benefits of the Isle of Man for a South African expatriate

From a lifestyle perspective the Isle of Man is similar to South Africa with lots of sports, outdoor adventures and family focused activities on offer. There is also such a great sense of community on the Island so making friends is easy and you truly discover that friends become your family and your support system. We have a word in South Africa 'ubuntu' which means human kindness and compassion towards everyone, I do often get reminded that the Isle of Man also embraces this set of values and that the people here are kind and supportive one another. The Isle of Man is also the safest Island in the British Isles and it is in close proximity to the rest of the UK and Europe which makes travelling easier.


Achieving Ambitions on the Isle of Man

As a digital marketer I saw the prospect of moving to the Isle of Man as a fantastic professional challenge and an opportunity to start my own consulting business. It was refreshing to have government support from the outset, the regular communication proved to be invaluable and it gave me confidence that my business had a great future on the Island. Since then I have relished the opportunity to work with international companies in a wide variety of industries, from financial services, to retailers and even the Isle of Man Government themselves. I also work very closely with a local agency, Ashgrove Marketing and together we have worked on a number of exciting digital projects for some of the Island's leading companies. There definitely is a true entrepreneurial spirit on the Island which encourages passionate and skilled individuals to develop businesses that can positively impact the growth of the Island.


What would you say to anyone considering a move to the Isle of Man?

The Isle of Man truly offers something for everyone. Whether you are looking to further your career or lay down roots for your family the Isle of Man can offer you the lifestyle and opportunities you need.


How does the Isle of Man differ to South Africa?

The Island definitely encourages a healthy work life balance and a stress free lifestyle. This is often very different from the hustle and bustle of city living in South Africa. Added to this the quality of the public schools, national health system and infrastructure on the Island is a real plus for those looking to immigrate from SA.


Live your dream life in the Isle of Man

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