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Tek Min, Malaysia

Looking for an opportunity to progress his tech career, Tek Min took the leap of faith with his wife from Malaysia to the Isle of Man and has been enjoying Island life ever since!
Tek Min

Where were you originally from and how long have you lived on the Isle of Man?

I came to Isle of Man from Malaysia about 1 year ago mainly because I was looking for opportunity to further my career path. It is not an easy decision to move here as it is so far from Malaysia (Also the weather is completely opposite). However, my wife and I are decided to take this opportunity even though that means we have to leave our parent / family and friends and start all over again in the island. I guess you can call it the leap of faith!


How would you describe it to someone who has never been?

Elevator Pitch: It’s a beautiful small island with low population density yet equip with all the beauty and necessity/infrastructure for living a great and relax life. It has incredible TT Race!!! (Although I have never seen one yet).

Just FYI, I lived in an island back in Malaysia too. It is a place called Penang, which is around half the size of Isle of Man but the population is around 5 – 6 times more than Isle of Man.

How did you find your first job in the Isle of Man?

I was looking for opportunity outside of Malaysia to further my career and broaden my experience. Thus, I starting to look at different opportunities around UK / European area as well as Singapore via LinkedIn and Google. Some agents contacted me via LinkedIn, and I got few offers eventually including the offer from Champion Tech Limited. I decided to take this opportunity to Isle of Man and joined Champion Tech Limited because I believe it can provide a good career growth as well as an uplift in living standard.


Tell us about your career now?

I was really satisfied with my current job now in Champion Tech Limited. To be honest, this is my first time involve in gaming sector and it is a lot to learn in term of the industry knowledge as well as technical knowledge. I’m able to further sharpen my skills and continue learning from different people with different background and expertise. The most fun thing in Digital sector is that you are learning new thing and face a new challenge every day, it gives me the sense of achievement and it’s never got bored! Like innovation never sleeps.


Do you feel there is career progression for individuals in the digital sector in the Isle of Man?

I think IOM does provide enough opportunity for people to grow their career from fresh graduate until senior level in digital sector as there are plenty of established companies in the island including the well-known Champion Tech Limited, especially in gaming and finance / banking sector. But I do think there are lack of competition with UK or other countries where there are more multi-national companies, which more talents may be interest to them because it can help to build their portfolio.


How was your experience moving to the Isle of Man?

I was applying my work permit during the beginning of Covid pandemic, and all the immigration department (IOM, UK as well as Malaysia) was closed due to lockdown, and I have waited for around 6 months until I manage to apply my visa. But frankly the process was straightforward, and the COE was issued quickly, it took around 3-4 weeks to get my visa. And when I contact IOM immigration, the response is quick compared to UK immigration.


What difference has living on the Isle of Man made to your work-life balance?

IOM has the vast and beautiful scenery and I love scenery. I always go somewhere to chill and relax during the weekend with my wife. I never get bored to see the scenery.

How do you spend your free time? Do you have any particular hobbies / interests / sports etc you enjoy on the Island?

I do love outdoor activities and some sports like badminton and swimming. But to be honest, I still haven’t step into NSC for once. Of course, I will keep those checked this year. So far, I just keep exploring different things / places in the island, like paddleboarding, trekking in Glen, went to the north and south tip, took the electric railway to the top of the Island, having Davisons ice cream every week and many more. Of course, there are more to explore and have fun! I never expcet I can do so many activities in the Island.

If you were planning a weekend to introduce a new team member to the Isle of Man where would you take them?

This is a good question, but I think Peel would be a good place for new team member to visit as it has hill to hike, castle to visit, a beach to enjoy, Davisons ice cream to taste and House of Mannan to learn the history of IOM!

What surprised you about living in the Isle of Man?

I do not know much about IOM before I came, but it does meet my expectation (or I do not expect much). A few friends of mine who are TT race fans told me it is a very beautiful island and of course they are envy of me because I get to see live TT race. I met many people when I first to the island and everyone is friendly and helpful. The whole island is like a small neighbourhood and know each other!


What opportunities has living on the Isle of Man given you / your family?

We do feel there are some uplift in living standard compared to Malaysia where there are better infrastructure / facilities to have a better lifestyle.


Why would you recommend the Isle of Man to others looking to relocate and what would be your top tips?

It is a great island to stay for people who enjoy relaxing and stressless life and want to stay away from over-crowded and busy city life. Want to live an early retirement life early while working, IOM is your best bet! It may seem small, but it has everything you need. My top tip for them is bring more warm clothes and raincoat.

Live your dream life in the Isle of Man

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